Can I Do Whitening Strips Twice a Day

All topics.  » All Whitening Strips pages.  » Using whitening strips – Continued.

Directions for wearing Crest Whitestrips® – Part 2

– How long are they worn? | How frequently? | Wrapping your treatments up. | When will you start to notice results? | Difficulties with uneven whitening.

This is the 2nd one-half of our instructions for using Crest Whitestrips® products. On this page we cover:

  1. How to perform individual treatments. – How long are the strips left on? How often are they used? Tin you wear them for longer? When do you apply the Blueish Lite?

    Things to know almost performing your whitening sessions. – Are back-to-back treatments allowed? Is it OK if you miss or skip a session? What activities can you do while wearing your strips?

  1. Getting results. – How long does it have? Ways to speed upwardly your results. Possible solutions for uneven whitening.
  2. Steps to take when terminating a treatment session. – Removing your strips. Cleaning your teeth and gums.

(FYI: Part ane of our directions covers how to get gear up to perform your treatments and how to place the strips.)

four) Performing your Crest Whitestrips® treatments.

a) How long should y'all leave your strips on?

Once you have your strips positioned, your bleaching session has begun. And then, take a await at your clock and offset timing.

!! The recommended treatment fourth dimension varies with each Whitestrips® product.

While the way yous use all Whitestrips® is essentially the same, the application periods for various production versions tin be entirely dissimilar. Every bit shown in the table below, times tin range from v minutes all of the style up to ii hours.

A part of this difference is due to the fact that whitening strip products can vary substantially in the concentration of peroxide that their whitener contains. And that means staying within your product's guidelines is not merely a "best results" but also a safety and side furnishings issue too.

In all cases, yous must refer to the instructions that have come with your specific product for directions about how long and how oftentimes your strips should be worn.

Application times for different Whitestrips® products per 24-hour interval.

As the years go past, it gets harder and harder to proceed the new products and name changes that Crest® introduces straight. Merely here are the application times for some of their electric current and also some not-and then-new products as we empathize them.

five minutes, once a day strips.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Stain Shield

Most Crest Whitestrips are worn for 30 minutes.

Many Whitestrips products are worn for xxx minutes. Check your instructions.

30 minutes, once a mean solar day strips.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Gentle Routine
Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips® Glamorous White
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Glamorous White
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Luminescence White
Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips® Professional person Effects
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Professional Effects
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Professional White
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Advanced Vivid
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Classic Vivid
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Vivid

ane hour, once a day strips.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips® Supreme Flexfit
Crest 3D White Whitestrips® ane Hour Express

2 hours, once a mean solar day strips.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips® Intensive Professional Effects

Note: Products, every bit well equally product names and versions, tin change, so be sure to check your instructions.

You tin can ever article of clothing your strips for less time.

The handling times stated above are the maximum duration your strips should be left on. But call back, y'all can clothing your strips for shorter periods. For instance, you might do so equally a manner of managing side furnishings.

The trade-off is that you'll get less whitening effect per strip. And that means to reach the same whitening endpoint, you'll accept to use additional quantities of product.

Is it OK to wear teeth whitening strips longer than their directions land?

No, information technology's never a good idea to use any tooth whitening product in a mode that lies outside the guidelines specified in its directions, teeth whitening strips included. As far as reasons why you shouldn't extend a session:

  • A unique feature of whitening strips is that the manufacture dispenses the quantity of whitener, not the end-user.
  • That implies that through testing, they accept determined what amount of whitener is required to remain constructive for the elapsing of the recommended handling menses, nevertheless not exist likely to create side effects.

Then, if you extend the duration of a treatment session …

  • You are unlikely to gain any overwhelming whitening benefit considering the whitener tends to get depleted during the recommended application time.
  • But you will be placing yourself at somewhat greater risk (although probably just minimally) for experiencing side effects (primarily tooth or gum sensitivity).
Tin you lot reuse a strip?

No, at that place would exist no purpose in doing so. It'due south expected that the active ingredient found in a strip'south whitener (hydrogen peroxide) will be fully depleted, or nigh so, at the end of its recommended application flow.

Applying the Whitestrips® "Blue Light."

Some Whitestrips® kits come with the "Crest Bluish Light device." If yours did, the light is applied at the stop of your bleaching session. (Afterwards that point when you accept worn your strips for their full recommended duration.)

How the Blue Light is used.
  • With your strips nonetheless in place, the light is turned on and shown on one strip (upper or lower) until the device automatically turns off. The procedure is then repeated for the other strip.
  • The lite and strips are then removed. Your handling has now been completed. Your session is then terminated equally outlined below.
Things to know.

Nosotros feel obligated to mention the following points:

one) It's easy to brand the case that scientific research does non support the merits that using a light during teeth-bleaching treatments improves whitening results. (We discuss this topic at length on our page "Is using a bleaching lite actually necessary?"

two) If despite that show you lot are inclined to believe that the utilise of the Blue Low-cal represents a significant reward, we would respond:

  • Our search of published inquiry has not been able to identify a unmarried study that evaluated the utilize of Whitestrips® in conjunction with the Bluish Low-cal device.

    If this technique did provide some significant reward, it would be expected that someone, either a sponsored (by Crest®) or independent researcher, would exist eager to document that fact and go that information published.

  • Information technology would seem humorous to think that a dispensable light, one that probably but costs a few dollars to make, would possess a level of applied science that the bleaching lights sold to dentists for hundreds to thousands of dollars, whose use has been thoroughly investigated past research, don't take.

(We'd like to betoken out that our comments above aren't intended to just single out the employ of the Crest® Blue Lite. We would feel that the practice of performing calorie-free treatment in association with any and all at-dwelling whitening systems, for the same reasons outlined higher up, is dubious.)

Crest Whitestrips.

One pair Crest Whitestrips (upper/lower).

b) Performing additional treatment sessions per day.

The "number of applications per day" data shown to a higher place seems to be Crest's® general/customary recommendation for each product'south use.

More frequent wear may exist permissible.

Their website does country, however, that their "3D White Whitestrips®" products (Glamorous White, Professional person Furnishings, Vivid, Advanced Vivid) tin be used upward to twice a day (30 minute application time each session).

This aforementioned web folio makes the exception that 3D White Whitestrips® Stain Shield and Gentle Routine should exist limited to once-a-day. We don't take data on other types of Whitestrips®.

The advantage of performing more than one treatment per day is merely that your whitening process will accept place more rapidly. The merchandise-off is if you do, whitening side effects are more probable to occur (see below).

Section references –

Tin you perform the additional treatment sessions back to dorsum?

Yes, with Whitestrips® "twice a day permitted" products it's permissible to perform one treatment immediately after the other.

  • Remove your outset set of strips.
  • Remove (wipe, castor, rinse) any residue they've left behind. (Run across "Removing Strips" section below.)
  • Apply your twenty-four hours's second set of strips and habiliment them for their prescribed amount of time.

c) What happens if you miss a whitening session?

Missing one of your treatment days is of no concern. Nonetheless, since the whitening results you will ultimately go volition generally depend on the total number of treatments you have performed, you'll desire to make any missed sessions up.

But whether you lot perform and complete your whitening process precisely equally directed, or merely somewhat close to that regimen, volition make no difference.

Spreading your sessions out can help to minimize side effects.

At that place can exist a good reason for you non to perform multiple whitening treatments (when allowed by your product) each mean solar day, or even just regular treatments on consecutive days.

A person'due south potential to experience whitening side furnishings correlates directly with their level of exposure to the whitener inside a specified time frame. As a style of helping to minimize or command side effects, allowing extra time between sessions (hours or day(south), depending on what regimen was originally considered) can exist beneficial.

d) What activities can y'all exercise while performing your treatments?

You tin practise pretty much any concrete activity you lot want while your strips are in place, and so long equally it doesn't dislodge them. And if you've chosen one of the Advanced Seal® or FlexFix® manner of strips, your activities may non be hampered much at all.

  • For obvious reasons, yous shouldn't smoke or eat while performing your treatments.

    Drinking doesn't make an especially great choice either. Even if the strips stay in identify (which Crest® says some designs will, utilize the link above), the liquid might dilute the whitener and therefore diminish its effect on your teeth.

  • Wearing your strips during times when you'll need to do a lot of speaking, especially in public, might be problematic. You'll merely take to experiment and run across what you're able to practice.
  • You should non perform whitening sessions while you lot sleep. Also the potential for running longer than your production's recommended treatment flow, yous might besides swallow ane of your strips.

No matter what activities you decide to exercise, information technology's a practiced thought to cheque your strips every once in a while to make sure that they're still in place. And, for the reasons discussed in Part 1 of our directions, if you do find that you demand to affect your whitening strips, make sure that you rinse your fingers off subsequently.

Excessive salivation can exist a nuisance.

When y'all place something in your oral fissure, your body typically responds by increasing its flow of saliva. (Your mouth gets confused, it thinks that the item is possibly food.)

Wearing whitening strips can trigger this phenomenon besides, and the increase in saliva that occurs tin be a nuisance. The build up of liquid tends to make performing treatment sessions a scrap yucky. And it tin can brand it difficult to continue the older, less-adherent style of strips in place (especially the lower ones).

What can you do?

At that place isn't really a solution for this problem. But the skilful news is that your trunk's response should diminish over fourth dimension.

Focusing on another task (rather than the fact that you have strips in your oral fissure) can help to make your sessions more than tolerable. So, maybe your handling time would also exist a good time to balance your checkbook, launder the dishes or mow the yard.

Yous may discover foaming.

Experiencing some minor level of bubble or cream germination tin can be a somewhat common experience for people performing treatments. When saliva reacts with hydrogen peroxide (the active ingredient found in a WhiteStrip's® whitener), oxygen is released, which produces bubbles, and if at a loftier rate, foaming.

Must you maintain a "white" diet during your handling process?

While it is truthful that chromogenic agents such every bit java, tea, cola, reddish wine and night-colored fruits will tend to cause tooth discoloration over time, research suggests that an exposure to these kinds of items isn't deleterious to the level of whitening results you'll achieve.

We explain on this page: Is it necessary to maintain a "white" diet during your course of bleaching treatments?

five) Terminating a bleaching session.

a) Removing your whitening strips.

At the end of its allotted fourth dimension period, a handling session is terminated just past removing your strips.

That'southward easy plenty to do, just skin them off. (With Advanced Seal® and FlexFix® strips you may be surprised by how firmly they're anchored.)

Strips disposal.

You'll need to be careful in the fashion y'all discard your used strips. That's because some of the hydrogen peroxide whitener (bleaching agent) on them may non be totally depleted.

  • Make sure to dispose of them in a manner where they are unlikely to come up into contact with anything that they might irritate, mar, stain or blemish. Also just inanimate objects, this includes you, other people and pets.
  • Always launder your easily after handling teeth whitening strips.

b) Clean your teeth and gums.

Once your strips have been removed you should rinse, wipe or brush away whatsoever residual whitener that remains on your teeth and gums.

If you lot notice (post-treatment) sensitivity when performing this chore …

You should brush your teeth after removing your whitening strips (Crest Whitestrips).

Any residuum whitener tin can be brushed away.

  • If using a toothbrush, utilise a regular soft-bristled i and brand sure to be gentle with the motions you create.
  • Rinsing with lukewarm water, as opposed to room temperature or colder, will help to keep the level of sensitivity you experience to a minimum.
  • (FYI: This folio discusses methods of decision-making sensitivity caused by whitening strip usage.)

Be sure to wash off your fingers, toothbrush, etc… after you've finished cleaning the residue of the whitener away.

vi) How long will information technology take to start to notice results?

That point in time when you're likely to first notice a lightening effect volition depend on both:

  • The type of strips you lot are using (whitener peroxide concentration, frequency of use, elapsing of whitening sessions, etc…)
  • The potential your teeth have to lighten. (Some types of staining are more difficult to resolve than others.)

Equally a general rule of pollex (with cases that ultimately exercise respond favorably to treatments), you'll probably first start to notice results about halfway through your box's supply of strips, peradventure sooner.

  • That would exist effectually 24-hour interval 7 for products intended for use over a two-week menstruum.
  • For 10-day products, Crest® suggests results volition be noticeable as shortly as solar day 3.
  • Strips that have a insufficiently high peroxide concentration whitener (similar Whitestrips Supreme®) would also exist expected to commencement to bear witness a color improvement in just a affair of days.

Performing boosted treatments each day will speed upward getting results.

Teeth whitening is a crusade and effect process. And for teeth that have the potential to respond, the longer their exposure to the whitener (while staying inside the guidelines of the production you are using), the more rapidly you will notice results.

As mentioned above, with many Whitestrips® products it is permissible to perform ii whitening sessions per day. Here's the link to that section of this page.

How many whitening kits can y'all use?

Crest® suggests that it's permissible to utilize as many as ii boxes of their whitening strips per year, although this recommendation varies according to exactly which Whitestrips® product is used.

We embrace this bailiwick in detail on our "Extending your whitening strips treatments" page.

seven) Whitening difficulties.

a) White spots following treatment sessions.

Later on a person has removed their strips at the terminate of their whitening session, they may discover that white spots/areas have formed on their teeth.

Having this miracle occur isn't terribly uncommon. And the good news is that these spots are no cause for warning. Crest® publications refer to them equally temporary and land that they'll go abroad on their ain subsequently a few hours.

The cause.

The white spots class in areas where the tooth'south enamel has become dehydrated (dried out). (Call up, your tooth's surface has been behind a plastic strip where saliva can't go to it.) As oral moisture rehydrates the surface area, it's normal appearance volition return.

b) Uneven whitening.

Some people may observe that their treatments take resulted in an event where some of their teeth, or just some tooth areas, have lighten to a greater degree than others.

Possible solutions.
  • Equally a showtime check, you lot should make sure that all of your teeth are covered over past and have the same caste of intimate contact with the strip during your treatments.
  • Assuming there aren't any overlooked dental restorations involved, the problem might be as simple every bit sure teeth or areas of staining are slower to respond than others. If so, over fourth dimension the event should tend to resolve itself.
  • If bug persist, you might halt your bleaching efforts and search for a way to merely selectively treat the stubborn teeth to see if they will "grab up." As possibilities, you lot might cut up a strip and apply just pieces of it. Or consider using a whitening pen.

Consulting with your dentist may offering a more definitive explanation and remedy.

 Page references sources: – Often Asked Questions.

All reference sources for topic Teeth Whitening Strips.


This department contains comments submitted in previous years. Many take been edited and so to limit their scope to subjects discussed on this page.

Comment –

Treatment Frequency

This is a great site! Cheers for all the info that I couldnt find on the Crest website.

Just I'm even so not sure how long (# of days) I'thou supposed to use the strips, and how often. I sympathise less frequent may help avoid side furnishings. But practice I use information technology say every other day for a week? A calendar month? Until I experience my teeth are white enough?

The instructions included with the strips said "employ up to ii kits per Yr". The kit I have has 14 sets of ii strips each. And so that ways 2 kits per twelvemonth would be a total of 28 treatments per year. Tin I employ it every day, one time a solar day for 28 days? I accept the Glamorous White strips.

I got this from Costco so information technology came with 4 treatments of the i hour express strips. Tin can I utilise this in improver to the 28 max per year?

Hope I wasn't also confusing. Thank you for your advice! Aloha!


Respond –

This would be our biggest business with your post, the statement: "Until I feel my teeth are white enough?"

That's the problem with at-dwelling products, the potential for over use, either accidental or when seeking unrealistic results.

Our response would simply be: What's the rush?

Hither are the facts:

a) Whitening results generally correlate with the total exposure to the whitener (strips), whether that exposure is stretched out or compressed in time.

b) The exception to the above is the fact that for anybody only a certain level of lightening comeback is possible. Beyond that signal, using more than strips will not create further results but will still have the potential to crusade side furnishings.

c) The potential for side furnishings correlates directly with the amount of exposure to whitener within a timeframe. Extending the time frame, reduces the potential.

If you're trying to avert side furnishings, using strips every other solar day until all xiv sets in your kit have been used tin can make a good programme. If side effects crop up and yous want to continue, let things settle down first and then try wearing the remaining strips even less frequently.

If with your first kit problems did occur, it makes no sense to continue treatment with a second kit immediately.

With dentist supervised treatments, using the equivalent of ii kits dorsum to dorsum would probable be tolerated uneventfully past almost people. But when on your own, you lot should fault on the side of rubber. Wait some weeks (at least until any remainder sensitivity has disappated) before starting upwardly again.

In regard to the limited strips, the concentration of whitener on them will be greater than with your others. So, expect more potential for side effects when wearing them.

Information technology seems to us the manner the four-handling express kit is marketed, it'southward intended to be roughly equivalent to the fourteen-strip Glamourous kit that yous have. Then consider the express kit as your 2d annually-immune kit.

Beyond that, tell your dentist what you've been up to at your next bank check upwardly and allow them help you determine if using more kits seems a reasonable choice.

Staff Dentist

Comment –

Harmful to eat?

It says it creates more than saliva then can you swallow your saliva during the treatment or do you lot take to spit it out?


Reply –

All-time practice would be to spit it out. Swallowing bleaching compounds will tend to create the side effect of throat irritation.

Staff Dentist

Annotate –

The but difficulty I have had is the corporeality of saliva produced, which I did not desire to consume. And the more than you think about this, the more y'all produce. Then, what worked for me was, once the strips in place, folding a square of absorbent kitchen paper into a pad, placing information technology over my lower teeth with my natural language resting on this, and replacing the pad from fourth dimension to time. This captivated any saliva and removed the problem for me. Not an bonny look, and then obviously simply useful in fairly solitary confinement!


Comment –


Would using one strip a calendar week (3D White Luxe) take a positive consequence or do they have to be used closer together?


Reply –

Theoretically, teeth reply to the full amount of whitener they are exposed to.

Then whether you use (say) 14 strips at a rate of in one case a day or once a calendar week, the total cumulative whitening issue should be the same.

However, using them once a day will likely produce results fast enough that you notice that your teeth are lightening. With a once-a-week rate, you likely won't notice much affect at all simply one will take taken place. Sporadic use of strips might exist considered "maintenance" whitening.

Staff Dentist

Annotate –

Gentle 3D Whitening Strips

I have sensitive teeth that have get yellowed over the years. I've never had my teeth professionally whitened, nor exercise I have caps/veneers/bonding. I started the daily employ of the gentle strips 2 and 1/2 weeks ago. I can meet a divergence in my teeth: they are no longer yellow. However, they are not "white"; my three questions are these: 1. Volition I go along to run across an improvement in the color every bit I consummate the 28 days? 2. My front two teeth don't seem to exist getting as white as the other teeth, even though they were not stained whatsoever differently and I practice not take anything artificial on them: any explanation/advice on this? 3. After I consummate the 28 days, what should the maintenance schedule be (using gentle strips once more)? Once a week? Once a month? 1 full week every other month?

Thanks and then much for your help. Incidentally, I do not smoke, drink coffee or tea, or drink scarlet wine.

Jenny Yard.

Reply –

It'southward certainly possible that you will feel a continued whitening effect. The whole whitening process is simply cause and effect (the greater exposure to the peroxide (concentration, time), the greater the whitening consequence (speed, level of results).

Sooner or later a point is finally reached where no more whitening issue is possible (the teeth have lightened as much as they will).

In regard to your forepart teeth, there are just so many possible factors and variables it's impossible to know exactly what is occurring. (Are all teeth getting an equal exposure to the strip, is it simply some teeth need a greater/longer exposure before showing results, …)

If this is of utmost concern, you might consider trimming strips so but sure teeth are treated, in an endeavor to get them to "catch upwards" with your other ones, and so proceed from there. It may be tedious and a waste of materials merely so at to the lowest degree you are more in control of things. Otherwise it's likely that the uneveness volition take care of itself over time.

As far a touch ups go, you might but wait to see how noticeable whatever relapse that occurs is earlier treating it.

As compared to well-nigh other Whitestrips products Gentle Routine strips create a relatively minimal exposure to peroxide (relatively low concentration whitener, short treatment duration). (Hence the reason they are less likely to cause sensitivity.) Then using a bear on upwardly regimen of one time or twice a month would seem reasonable and unlikely to cause unmanageable side effects for y'all.

Staff Dentist

Annotate –

Discomfort Effect

Tin can I wearable my strips for longer?


Respond –

The whitener on a strip will deplete as time goes by. And while some whitening potential probably remains after the recommended fourth dimension frame stated in the instructions, it'southward unlikely to be much. And for that reason wearing your strips for longer wouldn't be expected to provide much extra benefit.

Wearing your strips longer also exposes your gum tissue to the whitener for a longer catamenia of time and therefore might brand experiencing side effects more than probable.

Staff Dentist

Annotate –

Calorie-free application.

Practise I remove the strips before applying the low-cal?


Reply –

Nosotros totally get your defoliation, and are confused almost that point besides:

one) On the Crest website, the instructions are vague and imprecise.

two) In the comments on that page, some annotate posters state they accept worn the strips for an hour kickoff, then afterward applied the calorie-free.

iii) We chosen the Crest helpline. That person said the lite was practical to the strips for a part of the time while they are worn. Just this person seemed unsure. They certainly didn't know the reply off the top of their caput.

4) Since the Crest phone representative seemed confused, we decided to email Crest and get an answer that way. Unfortunately that response will have a few days. When we get an answer nosotros will post it here.

With other whitening methods, the bleaching lite is applied when the whitener is on the teeth.

Probably more important to land, we'd be of the stance that the use of a lite adds little if anything to the whitening process. Information technology would be our guess/stance that Crest'south purpose in packaging a light with their strips is that it helps to sell more kits (is a gimmick), every bit opposed offering a scientifically proven technique that substantially adds to the whitening procedure.

Staff Dentist

Answer –

We apologize for the filibuster on this. Nosotros heard back from Crest and here is what they stated:

Wear the strips for 1hour.

After 1hour, press and hold the ii buttons on the light simultaneously to plough on the light then release.

And so place the calorie-free on the top strip until the low-cal automatically turns off after a few minutes. Repeat on the bottom teeth.

Remove the lite and strips when finished.

Our personal opinion, we'd take little religion that the use of the light plays a significant role in the whitening procedure.

Staff Dentist

Comment –

3D Whitestrips expiration date.

I both a big box of 3d WHITESTRIPS in April 2013 and however I didn´t use them: are them yet expert to start the treatment?


Reply –

It seems fairly unlikely that using the strips would be effective.

The whitener found on whitestrips is hydrogen peroxide, and this form of peroxide in particular poses challenges for manufacturers in delivering a stiff product, much less some years after its manufacturing date.

Since it's just a affair of the whitener beingness depleted, there should be no problem in using the strips to see what results you become. Only don't await much.

Staff Dentist

Comment –

Bought pkg. of philharmonic crest 3D glamorous white & one hr express.

Got combo pkg. I'm confused, do you use one and and so the other, in what guild or use them completely independent of each other?


Reply –

What you have is two equivalent products. Either is intended to provide a like whitening procedure and create a like level of results.

Whitening results are but cause and effect, based on the full exposure of your teeth to the whitener.

The Luxe Glamours White production has a nine.5% hydrogen peroxide whitener that is on your teeth for 30 minutes a twenty-four hours, for 14 days.

The Limited production has a ten% hydrogen peroxide whitener that is on your teeth for threescore minutes a twenty-four hour period, for 7 days.

Both products will deliver a like cumulative exposure of whitener to your teeth, and therefore tin can be expected to create a similar whitening result.

Using both products over the aforementioned time frame would equate to double treatments. That is not advised. Side furnishings would likely exist a problem for you.

Choose whichever kit seems most bonny to you and apply it alone. Save the other kit for somewhere later on down the line. Store the unused kit in a dark, cool identify (your refrigerator).

Staff Dentist

Comment –

crest professional effects

Bought 10 strips from e bay, I've used 5 so far without whatever visible results.. .. So disappointed. My teeth is still yellowish brown


Comment –

Must I use all 14 treatments?

I have the 3D Whitening Strips. My teeth accept minimal yellowing and no stains. If I am satisfied with their appearance after 7 treatments, can I but cease the remaining treatments when I notice they are not a white again? And naturally before production expiration or is there a compelling reason to use all fourteen treatments inside a xxx twenty-four hours flow? Thank you for this informative site.


Reply –

Your thinking is right. There's absolutely no reason to go on with treatments if you're already happy with the color change that's occurred.

It's so refreshing to hear from someone who evidently understands the difference between teeth that have been whitened and wait natural, as opposed to those who aren't happy unless their efforts have reached a hideous level of white that never occurs naturally in human populations.

And yes, simply anytime in the future use any number of the remaining strips every bit you feel is indicated.

FYI: Storing unused strips in your refrigerator is the best surround. Just in case y'all forget almost having them, expired strips tin be expected to work although less finer. Using them is not harmful.

Staff Dentist

Annotate –


I accept the one hour express strips, they come in a pack with several strips, I know you use 1 a day for ane hr, only how long should i wait before I use some other strip? the next twenty-four hours? the adjacent month?


Respond –

Per the Crest website for their "3D White ane-60 minutes Express Whitestrips":

"Usage: Apply once a twenty-four hours for one hour. Full results in vii days."

So, their intended recommendation is a maximum of 1 handling per twenty-four hours. But keep in mind that it's perfectly fine to use the strips less frequently.

Whitening teeth like this is only crusade and upshot, nothing more than. If afterwards a few treatments your teeth are the color you're later on, and then call information technology quits. Put your remaining strips in the refrigerator (to maximize their shelf life) and use them for touch up whitening every bit y'all need them.

Staff Dentist

Comment –

Eating and drinking after treatment.

With other teeth whitening products it recommends that you don't eat or drink whatsoever coloured foods for upward to 24 to 48 hours after each treatment. Is this the aforementioned with the crest luxe whitening strips?


Reply –

Most all teeth bleaching methods involve the use of peroxides, including Whitestrips. And peroxides can have an issue on the surface porosity of tooth enamel, which tends to make them more susceptible to staining until natural processes reverse the result.

This effect would be greatest with high-concentration/one-visit treatments, like a dentist performs in their office.

Then while what you state is a best practice for whatever bleaching method, implementing it with a low whitener concentration at-domicile product is difficult and of less concern. (If you lot're performing daily treatments, how do you abstain from night foods and beverages for 24 to 48 hours?)

While it would seem a skillful thought to abstain from dark consumables for an hour or two immediately following your at-abode handling, in reality that level of staining that occurs is probably merely a minor brunt and inconsequential to the duties of your next strip.

Update: Nosotros've added a new page about whitening – Do you need to maintain a 'white' diet during periods of performing teeth whitening treatments?

Staff Dentist

Comment –

3D whitestrips

Question- how soon after you remove the strips can y'all brush your teeth.



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