How to Know When a Guy Is Playing You

So nosotros spoke hither virtually the signs he'due south wasting your time , the signs he's not ready for a relationship and the general signs that – quite simply – he's a scrap of a player . (Groan!) But what are the signs he's playing you? How do you lot recognise it when it'southward happening? Well in this post, nosotros'll suspension it all downwards, getting to the lesser of the burning question, "is he playing me?"

Is He Playing Me?

Then first upwardly, I know what information technology feels similar, when you're in a situation and you discover yourself wondering, "is he playing me?" It'southward non a very dainty feeling for sure.

Only these seeds of doubt – they're usually coming from your gut. They're in that location because something doesn't quite feel right.

Yep, self-dubiousness and insecurity tin come up into it. But when you find the right person, more often than not, you feel more rubber and secure – they make you feel safer and securer, naturally.

And so if you discover yourself wondering, "is he playing me?", ask yourself:

  • Where is this coming from?
  • What little things am I picking upwards on here?
  • Why doesn't this feel quite right?

Then from there, you can check back on our signs he's playing you, and see which ones lucifer up.

Signs He's Playing You

And so how exercise you know if he's playing you? Or in that location'south a good chance he'due south playing y'all? Well, these are the key signs.

1) It'due south Not Just You

Beginning upward, it's non going to be just you lot on the scene! See, initially, it'south pretty normal to date multiple people, healthy even, so the chances are – he'southward doing the same affair too.

However, every bit time goes on, in that location should exist a natural progression towards exclusivity. He tin't have his cake, swallow information technology, and take his fingers in a load of other pies as well!

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How do y'all know if it'south merely you lot or not? Well you won't know, non entirely. If the conversation arises, y'all tin can lightly ask if he's still on dating apps. Merely y'all won't know 100% for certain, even if he does say no.

Some signs notwithstanding, may exist if he'southward often seemingly busy and doesn't say what with, if he stops texting you during these times, or if his phones often going off.

He'll most likely also follow a lot of females on social media. Perhaps he scrolls through instagram when you're together and you start to run into this female-feed of photos!

And he'southward going to be a petty more than afar and a lilliputian less devoted when there's multiple people on the scene.

2) You Feel Like You Accept To Watch What You Say

Another of the key signs he's playing you, is if he wears the trousers – so much so – that you lot often feel similar yous have to spotter what you say. He's in control, the dynamics aren't quite fifty-fifty.

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Perhaps you lot're nervous of maxim something that will make him upwardly and leave. Maybe you can't quite be yourself effectually him. You frequently feel like y'all're treading on eggshells. And when information technology'southward similar this, you have an overall feeling of unease.

It won't ever exist like this, of course. If it was, why would you go along pursuing him? No, in that location'southward still proficient times. He still makes yous experience good. That's why you want him. But there'due south only an undertone of:

  • Is he going to go funny if I say this?
  • I really want to ask this, but I don't know how he'll react…

And you'll probably go that because of some of the reactions he'due south given you before. This leads me onto my next betoken.

Is he a player?

3) He Doesn't Make Yous Feel Secure

If he's playing you, he'll give y'all plenty to make you into him, to make you start to autumn for him fifty-fifty. He'll hook y'all in. And then once he has, he'll kind of hold y'all in that location – be a picayune hot and cold, go on you on your toes.

That's why you oft experience similar you have to lookout what you lot say, enquire or do. He makes you lot experience skilful for the vast office of the time, but yous also wonder – if you lot pace out of line – if he'll leave.

Possibly if yous say or ask something he doesn't like, if you behave in a way that's a little less than platonic, yous'll hear things like, "I tin can't be dealing with this." Or he'll become snappy or afar, cold fifty-fifty, until you win him around.

If this sounds familiar, then girl – that'southward non healthy. In fact, it'south actually very toxic. And so don't let the expert times taint your sentence.

Yous don't have to be perfect and no-one should expect you to be 24-seven, especially in the early on stages of dating and relationships when yous're even so trying to piece of work out what the 2 of you lot are and what the two of you are like.

4) He Doesn't Make Fourth dimension For Yous

What else exercise we have in the signs he'due south playing you? Well… he won't make time for y'all. You'll come across him, of grade, but it's e'er him seeing you when it's convenient for him.

You'll detect that yous're often the ane initiating the dates – or asking when y'all'll see each other again. In fact, y'all wonder when y'all'd meet each other again, if yous didn't say anything at all!

He'd still speak to yous, go on you there (of course!) just it can sometimes seem similar a battle to see him, similar he's not totally fussed either manner and your feelings are a little one-sided.

When y'all do see each other then, it's likely that you do the same sort of things – the things that he wants to practice, the things that work for him. Whether you become like a bit of a booty phone call, or not, it'south notwithstanding very much on his terms.

5) He Makes Empty Promises

Next upwards then, it'south those empty promises. That's right – if he's playing you, get used to disappointment, considering this will get a pretty regular thing!

Information technology's similar when he says he'll telephone, only he doesn't. He says he'll exist there and oh wait, something crops up. You can't take his give-and-take every bit truth and never really know when his intentions are pure.

But gee, he doesn't fully know either… All he knows is he'southward not quite feeling it as much as he's leading you to believe.

That's why he's then inconsistent with his behaviour. He doesn't know if he'south coming and going, because really, he doesn't know how he'll feel or what he'll desire to do from one twenty-four hours to the adjacent.

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Signs He's Playing You

6) He Says All The Right Things

One of the biggest signs he's playing yous, is when he says all the right things. He's charming. He wants you to similar him, wants you to autumn for him. It works in his favour. That's how he can then play y'all.

The expression "being played" by and large means being taken advantage of by someone you care nigh.

So him proverb the right things, doing many of the right things initially – information technology'southward what puts him in that position of being able to play yous. And information technology'south not e'er vindictive and thought-out to the degree of him intentionally playing you lot. But frequently, a histrion knows how to play the game.

So he will naturally say the things that he'south said to everyone, without fully caring if he means it, or thinking of the implications of you believing the things he says.

He volition treat you like a queen, like his partner – which also makes it evermore confusing.

See, he wants you to want him. And information technology works. Because when information technology's good, it feels so good. Almost scarily good. Only there is such a thing as besides good to exist truthful in some cases.

So, my friends, we tin can equip you with the knowledge you need! Before you read any farther, leap on over to this commodity: How To Tell If He's Beingness Genuine. We've also got this one, with the vii Signs You Can't Trust Him. That's right – there will be no fooling you now!

vii) He Keeps You Very Dissever

Nosotros're storming through these signs he'southward playing you now! And then what else should you expect out for? Well, if he keeps you pretty separate.

  • You lot hear about his friends and family all the time, but he doesn't want you to run across them.
  • There'south light little social events with friends and partners, but you don't get invited.
  • In fact, you may notice he goes to a special attempt to make certain the two lives don't align – possibly getting uneasy if you're out and almost together, or fugitive places where he might "see people he knows."
  • In that location volition be no sharing things on social media, with you in it.
  • He also won't be telling his friends and family about yous, so y'all won't catch him telling y'all about any conversations they've had about the 2 of you.

This is 1 of the biggest signs he's playing you. Remember: actions must friction match words. He should be proud of existence with y'all, he should see potential for the two of y'all and where you lot might progress. He should want to take you out – non continue you as this seedy piffling clandestine!

Of class, you're not asking to run into everyone days or weeks in, but as fourth dimension goes on – there should be a progression. So if he's reluctant to move things frontward in this manner, you should start to wonder what exactly you lot are and where this is going.

Actress: He's Distant When You lot're Autonomously

Is he playing y'all? Due westell, what you'll also notice with this 1 – is when he's not with you, you lot'll oftentimes not hear from him.

He's secretive, doesn't really say what he's doing or where he's with (not that he has to study everything to y'all) but it'southward weird. Information technology's not the natural sharing you lot'd look from a good for you, new, exciting relationship.

Whether he's preoccupied with other women, or only not thinking of you lot when you're apart, the all-then-zilch is not a good sign.

You don't expect him to be glued to your phone, but you also don't await him to cutting y'all off completely! And when he does – information technology's e'er on his terms over again. (Not that you feel like yous tin can say this to him of course!

8) The Conversations Are One Sided

Then this one comes in two parts, because if he's playing yous, you lot'll often detect:

  1. Either he knows far more about yous than you know about him. He doesn't really let y'all in or share anything too personal. He's keeping you lot at a fleck of a distance, and so you lot'll probably feel like you lot know him, merely don't truly know him – not the real him anyway.
  2. On the flip side, y'all could feel like you know far more about him than he knows about y'all. He's constantly talking about himself, it's always y'all asking the questions and he doesn't tend to render them. This is a problem, because information technology shows he's not really interested in getting to know yous. He's simply talking at you. It'southward self-indulgent and again, non a sign that he'due south into you.

On both sides, this isn't how a new, flourishing relationship should exist. It should exist the ii of y'all – equally as interested, sharing equally, bonding equally.

So if it'south non reciprocated information technology'southward certainly one of the signs he'due south playing you. He's not as emotionally invested in this as he's making out.

Is He Playing Me?

9) He Calls You Crazy If You Act Up

You know what guys dearest to call girls? Crazy! You hear it all the time – the crazy ex, the crazy girlfriend, crazy, crazy, crazy. It's their get-to word if a adult female actually speaks upward or acts upwards, well-nigh their behaviour.

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And that's one of the key signs of a role player – a key sign you're being played. If you option up on something he's said or done, he'll go defensive, put information technology on y'all, make you lot out to be the i who'south beingness unreasonable.

A player doesn't want to be answerable for their actions. They just want to take fun. By deflecting the blame and making you lot await similar the bad person, they avoid any negative emotions. Just know – this isn't really on you lot.

Calling you crazy for simply expressing how you feel or pointing out the truth – it's manipulative. It'southward also disrespectful and young .

Instead of having an actual conversation, of listening to what you say, he just cuts yous off and puts you downwards. Whether you lot're right or you lot're wrong nearly any you're saying, calling y'all crazy (or anything to that upshot) – it'south non okay.

So this is one of the biggest warning signs you lot should look out for. #CutOutTheCrazy

ten) He Makes Y'all Feel Unsure or Insecure

To finish off the signs he's playing you, I want to go dorsum to the first point I made. See, if he'southward playing you, yous'll have these niggling feelings, these doubts.

This is because of the inconsistent behaviour or actions that but don't match up with words. It volition also be considering of his (intentional or not) mind games.

He'll make you doubt yourself, bring out that needy, insecure side of you – that you lot actually don't desire to meet. You'll discover yourself blaming yourself. Like "I shouldn't accept been so demanding", "I'k merely existence insecure", "I need to get a grip", "I'm request as well much…"

Merely often, you lot're not. Similar I said, no-one is going to be perfect from start to terminate – when dating or in a relationship. Don't beat yourself up or lower your expectations and standards.

If he's playing you lot, he'll know he's not as certain near you, or the state of affairs, as he makes out. He'll run into y'all when he wants to see you, he'll feel good by the dearest and attention you're giving him and will totally have that – just it'due south not returned, non as.

He's all about what he tin get. He'll push your boundaries, non really listen to what you say, make you feel pressured to practice things to make him happy. And when he tin no longer get what he wants, or it's no longer platonic for him, he'll walk away. Don't let it get to that stage.

Are You Being Played?

So hopefully, later on reading this, you should now feel a little more confident in answering the question, "is he playing me?"

The thing to conduct in heed is that you're never going to know for sure if yous're beingness played. However, what you do know – is how you feel and how this other person makes you feel. So don't be and then fast to put the blame on yourself.

Know what your relationship standards are, know what your dating standards are before that, and don't settle.

Because I promise yous, for every guy that will come into your life and play y'all – in that location will exist a guy out in that location who would come into your life – if you let him – and worship y'all!

Forget the "bad boys" , they're overrated. Raise your self-worth, and demand more. Because you deserve the all-time of the best. Give that love and joy to the right person!


Signs He's Playing You

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  • How Long Does It Accept To Go To Know Someone?


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