Sentence That Can Be Read 7 Different Ways

Words With Multiple Meanings

A wealth of words with multiple meanings exist in the English linguistic communication. Technically, almost every discussion has multiple meanings. How often do you look upwards a word in the lexicon and notice only one significant listed adjacent to it? Practically never! It's common for words to have slightly varying meanings, but the meanings of homonyms and homographs differ in substantive ways.

homonym example crane homonym example crane

Homonym Examples

Homonyms are words that take the same spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings. It'due south tricky when words audio the same but can mean unlike things. This is where context clues come into play. Even though ane word tin morph into multiple meanings, the rest of the sentence should give you an thought of what's being discussed. At that place are many examples of homonyms.

  • arm
    I accept an ant seize with teeth on my arm.
    It'southward important to arm yourself with a solid education.
  • bawl
    I hope her canis familiaris doesn't bark when I knock on the door.
    The tree bark is crude to the touch.
    I love eating pretzels covered with almond bark.
  • prune
    I enjoyed watching a clip from that video.
    My mom is going to clip my pilus.
    The boat is moving at a fairly fast clip.
  • crane
    That bird is a crane.
    They had to use a crane to elevator the object.
    She had to crane her neck to see the motion-picture show.
  • date
    Her favorite fruit to eat is a date.
    Joe took Alexandria out on a date.
    Not to date myself, but I remember listening to radio shows equally a kid.
    What is your appointment of birth?
  • dough
    I will brand a batch of cookie dough.
    Later I get paid, I'll have enough dough to become to the arcade.
  • drop
    I promise I don't drop my books.
    I enjoyed every last drop of my shake.
  • engaged
    They got engaged on March 7th.
    The students were very engaged in the presentation.
  • fall
    I beloved cool, crisp fall weather.
    Don't autumn on your way to the gym.
  • foil
    Delight wrap the sandwich in aluminum foil.
    They learned virtually the role of a dramatic foil in English form.
  • anxiety
    My feet hurt.
    The desks are how many feet long?
  • leaves
    The children love to play in the leaves.
    They exercise non like when their father leaves for piece of work.
  • left
    She left her volume in her locker last night.
    My left foot actually hurts.
  • letter
    My boyfriend earned a letter in track.
    I received a letter from my summer camp roommate.
    I can't wait to see what letter class I make it English.
  • cyberspace
    What was your internet proceeds for the year?
    Crabbing is easier if y'all bring a net.
  • park
    I don't know how to parallel park.
    I'yard taking my domestic dog for a walk at the park.
  • signal
    The pencil has a precipitous point.
    It is not polite to point at people.
  • right
    Yous were correct.
    Make a correct turn at the light.
    Access to clean water is a basic human correct.
  • peer
    The article was published in a peer reviewed journal.
    I really want to peer within the bag she is carrying.
  • rose
    My favorite bloom is a rose.
    He quickly rose from his seat.
  • calibration
    What is the scale on that map?
    I dread seeing the number on the bath scale.
  • ship
    I need to send this package.
    I am a petty nervous about traveling on a ship.
  • sink
    The bath sink is clogged.
    I felt my middle sink when Susie announced that she is moving abroad.
  • tie
    The game concluded in a necktie.
    I need to tie my hair back.
    I hate wearing a tie when I have to go dressed up.
  • train
    He is taking a class to train for a new job.
    She took a cross-country trip on a train.
  • blazon
    He can type over 100 words per infinitesimal.
    That guy is really not her blazon.
  • watch
    Please watch your niggling sister.
    I need a new spotter battery.
  • moving ridge
    I will wave when I see you in the parade.
    Will in that location be another wave of illness in the jump?
    I dream of surfing the perfect wave.

Homograph Examples

Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but accept dissimilar pronunciations and meanings. Equally far equally speech, this makes homographs easy to distinguish. However, when reading, it's necessary to rely on context clues. There are many examples of homographs.

  • bass
    They caught a bass on their fishing trip.
    His vocalisation belongs in the bass department.
  • bow
    She put a bow in her girl's pilus.
    Please bow downwardly to the emperor.
  • does
    He does his homework every night.
    There were many bucks and does in the forest.
  • learned
    The class learned that data last week.
    He is a very learned individual.
  • minute
    That is only a minute problem.
    Wait a infinitesimal!
  • read
    She is going to read the book subsequently.
    He read the volume concluding dark.
  • sewer
    The rats crept through the sewer.
    She is a fine sewer and fixed my torn dress.
  • sow
    A sow is a female person hog.
    We'll sow the seeds in springtime.
  • wind
    The wind swept upwardly the leaves.
    Wind the clock up earlier you lot go to bed.
  • wound
    They wound up the toy as soon as they got it.
    She received a wound from the punch.

Homophone Examples

While not exactly the same equally words that have more than ane meaning, homophones are closely related to homonyms and homographs. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same, merely have dissimilar spellings and meanings. These words sound the aforementioned in voice communication, but their spellings and meanings are different. There are many examples of homophones.

  • alter/altar
    How did you lot alter your identity?
    Let'south go worship the Lord at the altar.
  • ate/eight
    Together, we ate three large pizza pies.
    There were eight of u.s. in total.
  • band/banned
    Let's go sentinel my favorite band perform at the theatre.
    Nosotros banned together in support of her new music.
  • blew/bluish
    Caleb blew out his birthday candles.
    I can't believe he bought blue suede shoes.
  • boar/bore
    They had to hunt boar to survive on the deserted isle.
    Delight exercise not bore me.
  • purchase/bye/past
    Why did she buy a $one,400 pocketbook?
    I wish we didn't take to say bye.
    Don't permit life pass you by.
  • catechism/cannon
    The canon police force of the Catholic church offers rules to live past.
    Let's go look at the old cannon at Fort Henry.
  • coarse/course
    The equus caballus had a coarse mane.
    She teaches a really difficult course.
  • fair/fare
    Even though her course is tough, she's a fair professor.
    Exercise you have our bus fare?
    Wow, he isn't going to fare well in Congress.
  • foul/fowl
    This tea gives off a really foul smell.
    Did y'all know ducks are a type of fowl?
  • genes/jeans
    They take the same Scottish genes.
    I'd like to purchase a pair of dark wash jeans.
  • grate/great
    Her heel got stuck in a New York City grate.
    Will you grate the cheese while I chop the garlic?
    Your fettucini alfredo was great.
  • 60 minutes/our
    She teaches a 2-hr seminar.
    This is our third trip to Japan.
  • in/inn
    I can't believe she stepped in wet cement.
    Would you lot like a room at the inn?
  • knight/night
    The queen's former knight haunts the castle.
    I don't want to spend another night at this castle.
  • maize/maze
    She makes her tacos out of maize from Republic of peru.
    This airport is such a maze, I'm not sure we're going to make our flying.
  • meddle/metal/medal
    I wish she wouldn't meddle in my affairs.
    Her incense holder is made of metal.
    She was then proud to win the spelling bee medal.
  • no/know
    There are no more shoes left.
    I don't know where they all went.
  • nose/knows
    Yesterday, she got her olfactory organ pierced.
    She knows her parents won't approve.
  • pale/pail
    She has pale skin and freckles.
    He poured paint in the pail.
  • rain/reign/rein
    Don't yous love falling asleep to the audio of rain?
    We can't wait to see Will and Kate's reign.
    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer needs a new rein.
  • carmine/read
    Tin can I borrow your scarlet lipstick?
    I already read terminal nighttime's homework assignment.
  • role/roll
    Are you set up to start your new office at the company?
    Y'all have to roll the dough to brand a croissant.
  • sea/come across
    She moved from the sea to Tennessee.
    Did you see how fast Penny tin can run?
  • their/there/they're
    We love their new house.
    I asked you to sit over there.
    They're going on a trip to Italy.
  • veil/vale
    Did you see Prince Harry lift Meghan'due south veil?
    I'd love to live in a cabin in the Vale of Heignesh.

Shifty Shapeshifters

When information technology comes to words with multiple meanings, it's wise to read and re-read those sentences. The wrong context or form tin can modify the pregnant significantly. It doesn't matter what medium you're writing in. Words with multiple meanings creep up all the fourth dimension. If you're working on an essay for school, improve your essay writing skills. If you're more focused on short fiction, explore how to write a short story. Either way, brand sure you choose the correct words to accurately convey your meaning.


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